Contact Reunion Committee

If you are a member of the Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1985 in Long Beach California, we want you to send us your contact information.  If you have a change of address, or a new e-mail address, use this form.  All information given will be held in the strictest confidence by your Reunion Committee.   

First Name:     Last name (Maiden):

Married Name (if applicable):

Year You Graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach:

E-Mail Address:

Street Address: Apt:

City: State:  ZIP: Country:

Phone Number:

Comments or questions for the Reunion committee.

Would you like to help with the planning for the reunion?  Yes

This information will be sent to Blake Anderson, Jill Minor Wilhelm and Marni Gaylord Bernstein who maintain the class database for 1985 graduates.

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