Wilson High School

Bulletin Board - Class of 1986


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Hey classmate

Your 30 year Reunion will be held Saturday August 27th, 6:00 PM to 10: PM at "Bouy's on the Pier" on the tip of Belmont Pier

Friday there will be a pre-party at Joe Josts, 2700 Anaheim Blvd, 6 PM

Ticket prices
   May 1 to June 30 = $60.00
   July 1 to August 24= $70.00
   Tickets will be available at the DOOR for $70.00

You can mail checks to
    WHS Reunion c/o Gretchen Benfanti
       11741 Wembley Road
          Los Alamitos CA 90720

If you would like more information regarding payment, please email wilson8630thclassreunion@aol.com

WHS 30th Reunion Tickets will include a Polynesian BBQ Buffet, all your favorite 80s dance music, cash bar and a few more Bruin style surprises.

We have setup a Facebook page that will be updated regularly.  Please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/1757383801147657/

Due to feedback from the classes of 84 & 85, Facebook will NOT be the only means of notification.  We will send both email announcements and an invitation by USPS.  So we NEED ADDRESSES, both home and email.  We can only send them to addresses we collect, so please reach out to your friends who are not on social media and encourage them to submit their contact information.

We have coordinated with the "49 & Holding Party" event planners so our reunion is the same evening, that way you can head over to the Gaslamp after and continue the celebration.  You can visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1478075662093059/.

Thanks and looking forward to seeing all of our friends from '86!!

Your WHS Reunion Committee
    Michael Fournier Ward
    April Rogers Miller
    Karyn Rossebo Parker
    Gretchen Bennett Benfanti
    Jeff Egan
    Stephanie Tweet Giammona
    Tara Foster Escobar

This web site will be your class bulletin board and point of contact for future years.  You can use the e-mail address to contact your reunion committee

The maintenance of your class database is done by your 1986 reunion committee and this web site automatically forwards all information to your committee.   Your reunion committee helps support this web site and they get all the information directed to the class of 1986

It is your responsibility to keep your reunion committee informed of your current contact information.  If you get married, change your name to Smith, and move to Antarctica, you will be impossible to locate.  The contact form will be functioning long after the 20 year reunion so please use it to keep us informed.

Your 20 year reunion committee consisted of: Stephanie, Karyn, Karen, Michele, Brook Jill and Wendy.  Currently they are desperately trying to locate classmates and need your help.  Please contact any classmate you know and have them register on this web site so your reunion committee can send them an invitation.

This web site is owned by members of Class of 1962 Reunion Committee and supported by donations from Wilson High Classmates.  This is an all volunteer effort and the little income donated by the reunion committees and classmates is used to keep this web site on the internet.  If it is within your budget, please send us a donation.

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