Contact Reunion Committee

If you are a member of the Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 2003 in Long Beach California, we want you to send us your contact information.  If you have a change of address, or a new e-mail address, you can also use this form.  All information given will be held in the strictest confidence by your Reunion Committee.   

First Name:     Last name (Maiden):

Married Name (if applicable):

Year You Graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach:

E-Mail Address:

Street Address: Apt:

City:  ZIP: State: Country:

Phone Number:


Comments or questions for the Reunion committee.

Would you like to help with the planning for the next reunion?  Yes

This information will be sent to Kandice-Marie Enclave & Linda Luna who maintains the class database and keeps your information private.

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