How do Reunion Committees get started

Usually the Senior Class President is expected to take the leadership and organize the first reunion committee, however 10 years after graduation, your Class President may not be inclined or able to organize a reunion committee.  At this point you must rely upon members of the class to organize them selves and and hold a 10 year reunion.  If you are in this situation, we suggest you take the initiative and start a reunion committee, you don't need to be the leader, but you can call a meeting of classmates you know and let it evolve into a reunion committee.  Don't be afraid of stepping upon some one else's toes.  If you find there is another reunion group, explain you were not aware of them and join forces.  I am sure they will appreciate the help.

The class of 1962 at Wilson High School maintains this web site and is willing to help you get organized.  We offer you a web page where you can post notices, a contact form where classmates can register with your committee, and an email address where all incoming mail will be forwarded to where ever you want.  We provide a point of contact where your classmates can always send you a message and you can post messages for your classmates on your class bulletin board 

What we can not do is maintain any records of your classmates, publish who is registered and who is not registered, or list any RIP pages. This is just too time consuming with a lot of maintenance.   We encourage you to start a web page to perform these tasks and we will direct classmates to your web site.  We can interlace ours and your web pages so the contact form, bulletin board and email address will still function.

This is a free service to all reunion committees at Wilson High School.  All we ask is during the year you host a reunion and cash is plentiful, please make a donation to the web site. In years where you are not hosting a reunion, we count on other committees to help support this web site,  We need about $150 a year to pay the expenses and between reunion committee donations and classmate donations, we usually come close to breaking even.